Event Detail  
Capacity Building Programme
Event Start Date : 08/01/2024 Event End Date 08/01/2024

“Nothing gets transformed in your life until your mind is transformed”.
One-Day Capacity Building Programme conducted by Regional Training Centre PB Zone-F under the aegis of DAV Centre of Academic Excellence, New Delhi was held at DAV Public School, BRS Nagar, Ludhiana on 8th January 2024. The CBP was attended by about 170 teachers from different DAV Institutions of the region in the subjects of: - Mathematics (All Levels), Physics (XI-XII), Commerce (XI-XII), Economics (XI-XII), Computer Science/IP/IT, (XI-XII), EEDP-I.
The workshops were aimed at providing an insight in alignment with the New Education Policy and National Curriculum Framework to bring about productive transformation in teaching methods to make learning more student- oriented. The Resource Persons shared many fruitful tips to break monotony in the classrooms and ensure maximum engagement of the students using experiential learning techniques. They also discussed in detail about question paper patterns, common mistakes made by the students and also shared tips to prepare students for handling the question paper confidently. The tools and techniques to assess the students' performance were also discussed. The workshop saw an active participation of all the delegates through a plethora of activities like role plays, story telling sessions, group discussions, riddles etc.
School Principal cum ARO of PB Zone-F, Mrs.J .K. Sidhu expressed gratitude to all the Master Trainers involved in the workshops for different subjects. She hoped that the collaborative attempts put in by all the members would facilitate teaching learning process and help the students gain from the new techniques carried to the classrooms by their teachers.

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